As a topic before KBS, DSS and VO, identify and describe one company that adopts an MIS. Include in your discussion, how MIS help and support the company, its managers and other employees, in their problem solving and decision-making.
Globe Telecommunication Company
The recent integration of Globe Telecom and Isla Communications Co., also paved the way for the entry of Deutsche Telekom as a second foreign stockholder, adding significantly to the technical expertise and shareholder support that an increasingly large telecom operator like Globe Telecom needs.Globe Telecom is now the service provider of choice. It secures competitive edge by packaging solutions enhanced by pioneering innovations in service delivery, customer care, and the best appropriate technologies.Attesting to this are the major developments seen in various fronts brought about by several factors, foremost of which are its investments in an integrated, nationwide telecommunications network using fully-digital, "future-proof" technologies.
A major role was also played by the Company's aggressive sales and marketing efforts as well as its brand strengthening activities, which have in turn led to higher consumer awareness and acceptance of its products and services.From being a pure data service provider, Globe Telecom has evolved into a full-service telecommunications company. It offers cellular mobile telephone system (CMTS), fixed telephone and international communications services, International Private Leased (IPL) lines, Internet access, VSAT (Very Small Aperture terminal) service, Inter-Exchange Carrier service, Frame relay, Value-Added Network services (VANS) and other domestic data communications services.
Reference: Globe Telecommunication Company
SKED A (5:15-6:15)